luni, 23 august 2010

Time is gone

When you love someone so much, you let him go. Even it’s the most painful moment, that is your duty.
Nevertheless, sometimes you wish that, that moment you had waiting so much, to come back. You do not know if it will be ok or not until you leave. If he loves you as much as he said, then you will be again together. If you were meant to be, then the miracle would happen. In these moments, all you have to do is wait. Wait and keep your smile up on your face, because you have to be full-hearted.
Remember those times when you said her you are the ONE, you complete one to each other, and all this magic things happened with a purpose? Well, think twice before you act.
When you go, you said, “let’s be friend”. Time will decide for you two. However, did you ask yourself if she could be your friend? Maybe she said yes, but deep in her heart, she is waiting for you!
She is hurt, he suffers in silence. Both are disappointed, but no one is trying to make things go better. He needs comprehension, she needs heedless. Two persons who love and cannot understand one to each other. How’s that comes?
Sometimes you have to take a step back to see what’s really going on. Maybe that’s what both really need to do right now…find your balance again. If you’re truly meant to be, then time will find your way back to each other

Ramai cu bine

Cand la tine ma gandesc inima-mi tresalta, ochii imi zambesc, iar chipul radiaza.
Optimisti de fel noi suntem, tineri si frumosi, gand la gand cu bucurie noi acum plecam.
Ramai cu bine, dar’a iar, cuminte sa tot fii, noroc cu carul tu sa ai, draga copil!
Sus pe calul tau pribeag in lume ai plecat, sa cauti tot ce ai pierdut pe acest taram.
Dorinta mare ce-a ramas toata lunmea o stie, intoarce-te cand ai sa vezi, aceasi veche lumina.

joi, 4 februarie 2010

what i feel

Magic is here! Dark is here, but all i need is a light!

luni, 18 ianuarie 2010

nothing but you

Jeg har ingenting
Men jeg har alt
Nar jeg har deg

miercuri, 13 ianuarie 2010

fear of the dark

When we were little, the old people taught us the meaning of the buggy man. If we weren't obedient, then the buggy man was going to come to teach us a lesson. Because we were scared of him, in one moment, the room was covered by a thick silence, that even the breath freezed in our souls. But when we grow up, we realised that the buggy man was our terror, our fear of the dark, of the unknown. The buggy man changed in our fear for the new world, for a new image that we have in front of us. What if we can't do it? What if we can't trust in our power? The answear we'll find only if we try, and not panick, thinking that it will be so hard, that nor even my grandma could do it!
So, the adventure begins! Let's pluck up our courage and move on!

marți, 12 ianuarie 2010


Every time we want to fly high into the sky, to feel alive, taste the whisper of the wind, the hot of the sun, the shining stars. But then the clock rings, and we have to open our eyes, which were closed so tight, that we don't want to feel the dawn, the cruel world we live in.
Although, as somebody said, "we are all in the glutter, but some of us are looking at the stars". So, life is beautiful despite the bad weather. There is also a big and strong BUT in the middle of the question: Why we can't be honest every moment with ourselvs? Why we're scared to tell the truth? I guess we are afraid of consequences...guilt...we don't want to hurt him. Or, we don't want to be the bad person in front of the others...we love to be a victim instead.
But it's not a solution to run away, to hide, to lie or to cheat. You have to face the problem, to discuss with him, to sustain your point of view. Don't play with ourselves, don't play with his feelings. Be honest! Tell the truth, even if it hurts. Once you said what you have in your mind, your heart would be can taste the cold air, the warm high little bird!